
Posts Tagged ‘Hair Replacement’

New Image Hair Clinic: Treating Male Pattern Baldness

At New Image Hair Clinic in Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, we offer hair restoration treatments for issues such as female hair loss, thinning hair, and male pattern baldness. As the most common type of hair loss among men, male pattern baldness generally follows a predictable arc beginning with receding hairline and progressing to thinning on the crown. In understanding male pattern baldness, it is important to understand hair growth patterns. Despite the fact that hair appears to follow a constant pattern in volume and growth, each strand of hair has a distinct lifetime. Hairs naturally grow for two to six years, after which they briefly remain at a constant length and then fall out. This hair is quickly replaced by a new hair that grows in through the same follicle.

At any point in time, approximately 85 percent of the hairs on the head are growing, while 15 percent are not. Male pattern baldness occurs gradually as the follicles holding the hairs shrink over time, resulting in thinner and shorter hairs. Eventually these very small follicles cannot hold hair any longer. As a result, when a hair falls out it, nothing replaces it and balding occurs. Although the exact chemistry leading to baldness is not well understood, researchers believe that genes and male hormones such as testosterone play a large role. Classic male pattern baldness affects the hairline first, as hair recedes to form an M-shaped pattern.

As the receding of the hairline continues, the top of the crown may also thin, with the two areas of thinning hair eventually meeting and forming a horseshoe-shaped bald area. While there are no medical issues associated with baldness, it often affects male self esteem and may be coupled with feelings of anxiety concerning aging. New Image Hair Clinic’s trained staff of professionals is well-equipped to provide just the right solution to create young, natural looking hair. Whether clients choose corrective hair implants, non-surgical Veralex treatments, or advanced Bio-Membrane technologies, our cosmetic procedures take into consideration individual hair replacement goals. Call (800) 514-4247 or visit to arrange a free hair restoration consultation.